168 research outputs found

    Achieving supply chain integration using RFID technology: The case of emerging intelligent B-to-B e-commerce processes in a living laboratory

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    Purpose: Despite the high operational and strategic potentials of RFID technology, very little studies have been conducted about its role as enabler of supply chain integration to achieve high-level operational efficiency. Therefore, this study is an initial effort towards bridging the existing knowledge gap in the literature. Design/methodology: This exploratory research was conducted in one retail supply chain. A multi-method approach combining a longitudinal real-life case study and a methodology integrating several steps, including a “Living Laboratory” strategy was used and involved all members of a product line to analyze in terms of their contributing activities and their interface with other supply chain members, the aim being to explore the impact of RFID technology on inter- and intra-organizational processes and information systems. Findings: Our results provide support to the role of RFID as enabler of better integration of timeliness and accuracy data flows into information systems, business process optimization through automation, better system-to-system communication and better inter- and-intra-organizational business process integration. Furthermore, they also validate the unique characteristics of RFID technology such as enabler of realtime multiple tags items data collection and exchange within the supply chain and the read-and-write capability that may help, for example, to reuse some RFID tags within the supply chain and therefore reduce the cost related to the purchase of the said RFID tags. Finally, the study also reveals the importance of business process renovation and complementary investments during the adoption of RFID technology in order to achieve high level of business value from the technology

    Achieving supply chain integration using RFID technology: The case of emerging intelligent B-to-B e-commerce processes in a living laboratory

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    Purpose: Despite the high operational and strategic potentials of RFID technology, very little studies have been conducted about its role as enabler of supply chain integration to achieve high-level operational efficiency. Therefore, this study is an initial effort towards bridging the existing knowledge gap in the literature. Design/methodology: This exploratory research was conducted in one retail supply chain. A multi-method approach combining a longitudinal real-life case study and a methodology integrating several steps, including a “Living Laboratory” strategy was used and involved all members of a product line to analyze in terms of their contributing activities and their interface with other supply chain members, the aim being to explore the impact of RFID technology on inter- and intra-organizational processes and information systems. Findings: Our results provide support to the role of RFID as enabler of better integration of timeliness and accuracy data flows into information systems, business process optimization through automation, better system-to-system communication and better inter- and-intra-organizational business process integration. Furthermore, they also validate the unique characteristics of RFID technology such as enabler of realtime multiple tags items data collection and exchange within the supply chain and the read-and-write capability that may help, for example, to reuse some RFID tags within the supply chain and therefore reduce the cost related to the purchase of the said RFID tags. Finally, the study also reveals the importance of business process renovation and complementary investments during the adoption of RFID technology in order to achieve high level of business value from the technology

    Determinants of Perceived Job Satisfaction From ERP-enabled Emergency Service Adoption: An Empirical Study

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    The present study applies partial least square (PLS) algorithm to identify key antecedents that influence perceived job satisfaction due to the implementation of an ERP-enabled shared platform by emergency services organizations. Using data collected from 193 ERP users we developed and tested two research models primarily based on extending technology acceptance (TAM) model taking contextual task characteristics into account. From the results we found that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and compatibility positively influence users’ behavioral attitude toward ERP system which in turn positively influence users’ perceived job satisfaction. Finally, the implications of the study as well as future research directions are presente

    Exploring the potential of big data on the health care delivery value chain (CDVC): a preliminary literature and research agenda

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    Big data analytics (BDA) is emerging as a game changer in healthcare. While the practitioner literature has been speculating on the high potential of BDA in transforming the healthcare sector, few rigorous empirical studies have been conducted by scholars to assess the real potential of BDA. Drawing on the health care delivery value chain (CDVC) and an extensive literature review, this exploratory study aims to discuss current peer-reviewed articles dealing with BDA across the CDVC and discuss future research directions

    Big data analytics in e-commerce: A systematic review and agenda for future research

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    There has been an increasing emphasis on big data analytics (BDA) in e-commerce in recent years. However, it remains poorly-explored as a concept, which obstructs its theoretical and practical development. This position paper explores BDA in e-commerce by drawing on a systematic review of the literature. The paper presents an interpretive framework that explores the definitional aspects, distinctive characteristics, types, business value and challenges of BDA in the e-commerce landscape. The paper also triggers broader discussions regarding future research challenges and opportunities in theory and practice. Overall, the findings of the study synthesize diverse BDA concepts (e.g., definition of big data, types, nature, business value and relevant theories) that provide deeper insights along the cross-cutting analytics applications in e-commerce

    An Inside Look at RFID Technology

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    RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is considered one of the “hottest” technologies due to its particular capabilities to track and trace in real-time objects across the extended supply chain. This article gives an inside look at the RFID world in order to improve the level of understanding of this technology and the EPC Network. An introduction to RFID’s systems, RFID’s potential to improve the efficiency of operations, different areas of application, as well as a roadmap approach to undertake an RFID implementation will be discussed in this article.La Identificación por Rediofrecuencias (RFID) es considerada hoy en día una de las tecnologías “de punta” debido a su capacidad especializada de identificar y trazar objetos a lo largo de una cadena de provisión en tiempo real. El siguiente artículo hace una revisión de RFID en el mundo con el objetivo de entender ésta tecnología y la red EPC. Una introducción a los sistemas de RFID, y el potencial de éste sistema para mejorar la eficiencia de sus operaciones, las diferentes áreas de su aplicación, y una aproximación de un mapa de implementación de RFID es discutida a continuación.RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is considered one of the “hottest” technologies due to its particular capabilities to track and trace in real-time objects across the extended supply chain. This article gives an inside look at the RFID world in order to improve the level of understanding of this technology and the EPC Network. An introduction to RFID’s systems, RFID’s potential to improve the efficiency of operations, different areas of application, as well as a roadmap approach to undertake an RFID implementation will be discussed in this article

    Factors Related to Social Media Adoption and Use for Emergency Services Operations: The Case of the NSW SES

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    This paper aims to provide some insights of a longitudinal case study of the adoption and use of social media technologies by the New South Wales (NSW) state emergency service (SES), with a focus on social media adoption factors. The study identifies a set of internal and external factors explaining the adoption and use of social media by the NSW SES including: the social media bandwagon effect, the effectiveness of social media use during the January 2011 Queensland floods, the NSW state strategic planning on emergency services, the opportunity offered by the upgrade of the NSW SES web site, and a strong internal management leadership toward the use of social media to support emergency operations. Finally, implications for research and practice are discussed

    Morphologie mathématique appliquée au traitement de l'image

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    En 1964, deux chercheurs de l'École des Mines de Paris à Fontainebleau, Georges Matheron et Jean Serra, ont publié leurs premiers travaux sur des problèmes de minéralogie et de pétrographie. À cette époque, leur principal objectif était de caractériser les propriétés physiques des minerais en examinant leur structure géométrique. Par la suite, leurs recherches ont conduit à une nouvelle approche quantitative du traitement d'images, maintenant connue sous le nom de morphologie mathématique. Depuis, de nombreux travaux ont été publiés dans le domaine et ont mené à une variété de champs d'application en traitement d'images, en reconnaissance des formes ainsi qu'en vision par ordinateur. Dans ce mémoire dont l'objectif général est d'introduire la morphologie mathématique, nous rappelons dans un premier temps, la notion de treillis complet qui est considérée comme la structure minimale pour représenter les opérateurs morphologiques. Dans une deuxième partie, nous introduisons la morphologie mathématique binaire qui est à la base de la théorie morphologique. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous effectuons le passage entre la morphologie mathématique binaire et celle à niveaux de gris et ce, à travers les notions de sommet de surface et d'ombre. Dans le quatrième chapitre, nous introduisons les opérateurs algébriques et montrons l'importance de définir les opérateurs morphologiques binaires sur un treillis complet. Et enfin, nous définissons la notion de filtre morphologique, étudions les différentes méthodes de construction des filtres morphologiques, puis terminons par l'application d'une classe spécifique de filtres morphologiques, à savoir les filtres alternés séquentiels au filtrage d'images afin de tirer nos conclusions quant à leurs effets sur la réduction du bruit

    Les impacts de la technologie RFID et du réseau EPC sur la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement : le cas de l'industrie du commerce de détail

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    «RÉSUMÉ» : Définie comme une technologie sans-fil d’identification et de collecte automatique des données, la technologie d’identification par radiofréquence (RFID) est en train d’émerger comme un nouveau système inter-organisationnel, qui va profondément transformer les processus et pratiques d’affaires de la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Toutefois, l’importance de la co-adoption de la technologie RFID et du réseau EPC dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement a jusqu’à présent reçu peu d’attention dans la littérature et très peu d’études empiriques ont été menées sur la valeur et les impacts de cette co-adoption de la RFID et du réseau EPC dans un contexte de chaîne d’approvisionnement. Cette recherche représente un premier effort visant à combler cette lacune dans la littérature sur ces questions spécifiques. Notre étude s’appuie sur la revue de littérature existante sur la technologie RFID et le réseau EPC, la théorie de la gestion de l’innovation, la gestion de la chaîne et les systèmes inter-organisationnels pour répondre aux questions de recherche suivantes : (i) Que comprend précisément la technologie RFID?; (ii) Quelle est l’infrastructure minimale que requiert cette technologie?; (iii) Quel lien existe-t-il entre la technologie RFID et le réseau EPC?; (iv) Quel rôle pourrait jouer un laboratoire universitaire dans le processus d’adoption de la technologie RFID et du réseau EPC?; (v) Quels sont les impacts de la technologie RFID et du réseau EPC sur les processus d’affaires et les flux d’informations intra- et inter-organisationnels, sur la main-d’œuvre, et sur les modèles d’affaires; (vi) Quelles sont les stratégies à mettre en œuvre pour, d’une part, guider l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre des divers scénarios d’adoption intégrant la technologie RFID et le réseau EPC et, d’autre part, faciliter la communication entre les différents acteurs impliqués dans le processus d’identification des modèles d’affaires appropriés et les infrastructures technologiques pouvant supporter l’adoption d’un scenario intégrant de ces technologies?»----------«ABSTRACT : Defined as a wireless automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technology, the Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is emerging as an innovative inter-organizational system (IOS) that will profoundly transform the supply chain business processes and practices. However, the importance of the co-adoption of RFID and the EPC network within the supply chain has so far received insignificant attention in the literature and very few empirical studies have been conducted on the value and impacts of the co-adoption of RFID and EPC network in a supply chain context. This research represents an initial effort towards bridging the existing knowledge gap on these specific issues. Our study draws from the literature review on the RFID technology and the EPC network, the innovation management theory, the supply chain management and the inter-organizational systems to examine the following research questions : (i) What precisely does the RFID infrastructure include?; (ii) What is the link between the RFID technology and the EPC network? (iii) What role could play a university-based laboratory in the adoption process of the RFID technology and the EPC network?; (iv) What are the impacts of the RFID technology and the EPC network on intra-organizational and inter-organizational business processes and information flows, on the workforce, and on the existing business models; (v) What strategies should be implemented in order to, first, guide the development and the implementation of various adoption scenarios integrating the RFID technology and the EPC network, and, secondly, facilitate communication between the different stakeholders involved in the process of identifying the appropriate business models and technological infrastructure supporting the adoption of an optimal scenario integrating these technologies?